

Learn what it takes as a B2B company to generate leads using social media 

With the many social media platforms that exist today managing a successful B2B social media strategy is no easy feat. Overall, a marketing team should be spending 10-15 percent of its total time on social media but even that can prove challenging.

Having a clear understanding of the social media landscape backed by a solid social media strategy can help any B2B company successfully generate qualified leads. But how exactly do you go about understanding which social media platform is right for you and how to justify your ROI for the resources and time you spend on Social Media?

Download this e-guide to learn:

  • Which Social Media Platform is right for your B2B Company
  • How to craft a good message for Social Media platforms
  • How can you manage Social Media campaigns more effectively
  • Which tools exist to manage you social media strategy
  • What's the best time to post on each Social Media platform
  • Which statistics should be tracked to justify ROI on Social Media
  • How to effectively manage your social media strategy


BONUS: Successful Case Study of how this B2B Tech Company increased its social media engagement by 181% in 6 months to generate leads.

For more information on how Penguin Strategies can help you, reach out to us at +972 (9) 7448854 or book your 30 minute meeting with Perry.